Been low key riding bikes my whole life but really ratcheted up biking to a personality trait during the pandemic. Nothing else to do but ride! I’m a 12 year engineer in the 3D printing industry (furniture manufacturing undergrad) and worked on every sort of application, from commercial aviation, medical devices, automotive, nuclear, etc. etc. My focus now is on environmental technology, so I’m pulling biking into my personal and professional life! My goal is to learn more to help the bike industry adopt 3D printing while one day hoping to gather the stuff necessary to build my own frames. Ride hills and bandit trails on my Midnight Special mostly, as well as have a Honzo hardtail and a 90’s stumpy bar/city bike. The community I’ve found through bikes has had the biggest impact on me, the environmental reasons and pure fun are a close second and third, and pulling a balance between exercise and my beers and burgers is a solid fourth.