

Born in Southern California, grew up in Portland Oregon,before it was cool. Started riding bicycles when I was 5 or so. Bought a MTB when I was 17. Moved to Austin TX for College, dropped out of school to work in bike shops and race bikes. Worked in technology to pay for racing and more bikes. Stopped racing and just started riding on long trips with friends and whenever we weren’t sleeping. Eventually got burned out with technology and got hit by a truck while riding home one night after working my night job, bike taxi-ing. After 2 years of recovering I realized my disdain for office work and did everything I could to leave it behind. This included 2 frame-building courses, a couple bikes built and several hours of welding in an Art Metals/Blacksmith Degree program at Austin Community College. Finally got my leave from Texas made it back to Fort Collins where I interned with Black Sheep Bikes for the past year.

There’s a lot more, but that’s about as condensed as it gets.
/// G aka “dirtworshipper”