Academy LCFF stand

Hi everyone just wondering what folks have to move there old academy jig around… I am finding i need to get in a little bit closer to the jig and the work bench I made for the jig is preventing it i am wanting to rotate the whole thing . I am scheming on bolting it to a engine repair stand. But is there any other solutions or does any one have plans for water jet cut parts and make there own? I know academy had something but as we know they are no longer in business…

I am also skeeming a different jig maybe a Farr or cobra. But thats if I can sell a few bikes …

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I’ve had my jig on a engine repair stand.
My beam was to long to fully rotate it

humm that would be a issue… i think i would mod it so it could be tilted side to side also

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Im using a feed back stand and can rotate and tilt the whole jig it has good access to all sides but it could be a bit more rigged. When I relocate in 6 months time I am going to build a whole new set up with a specifically designed stand for it. The engine stand is a good start and they are pretty cheap as well.

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plus the main beam of the LCFF is thick as and the whole thing is heavy!!!

I’ve been using the LCCF since it got out and built dozens of frames on it,
I made a bench stand that rotate , to get access to the BB underside and such, but it’s still not enough, due to it being on a bench… some tacking spot are really hard to Access to ( driveside chainstays)
I have a small batch of frames coming and I’m not looking forward to tack, even tho I have a good sequence that gets me where I want

Hopefully more bike sales this year so I can upgrade too…

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