Another TIG practice thread

Followed that up with some coped joints of 1-1/8” x .049” wall 4130.

Not all great but practice, practice, practice! :smile:


Fast forward a few days and you’ll be all over these joints! That’s a great starting point


No doubt! Who woulda thought that daily practice make you better at something! :rofl:
Just took me a few decades to learn that lesson.


After prep and cleanup, only time for one joint today, but seems descent even though I was hurrying due to a life-imposed deadline. Some balled up spots but better than before.
*30 degree joint.


Been a few days with life taking me places, but I was able to get a practice session today. Ran some beads on the flat just to refresh, then did another 45 deg join.

Not really sure if it’s better or worse than last time, but I’ll go again tomorrow ‘cause practice makes better.


Keep it up and you will se results.

I would recommend get proficient at 90 degree before moving on to angled miters. Angles increase difficulty drastically.

I also clamped my T in a drill press vise for tacking and used it to position the work. These small joints are tricky on a flat table.

Some great advice I did not know I needed was “remember to breathe”. This does wonders to relax you.


Agreed. Mostly wanted to test my skill a little and playing with the new notcher. I do clamp them down, vise seen in the corner of the top pic.

Mostly need more time. Only 187 months to retirement, but whose counting? :rofl:

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Another day at the practice. Tried a more blunt tungsten grind. Also ordered a tig grind attachment for a dremmel for consistent angles and to try and remove one more variable. (3mirrors brand $38 off Amazon, FWIW)

Two joints today, 1-1/8” x 0.035”, 85max amps, rule of 33’s.



Incremental progress. I need to remind myself to stop when I get out of position. Might help to get stronger cheater lenses, too.


Session # 11

Used the new tungsten grinder today and love it! Works like it’s supposed to and the grinds look way better than I ever did on the bench grinder. Wish I hadn’t waited so long.

Welded one joint up. Felt relaxed & in control. Still some inconsistent spots. Will keep chuggin’ along.


Between work and a mild illness, it’s been a week, but I was able to prep and weld two joints today. Feeling pretty good about them, know they’re not perfect, but scrolling back I can see improvement. Working I definitely feel the improvement.

Session #12



The inside, if it tells anything:


Lucky #13.

Feeling like I’m getting it. Maybe soon I’ll buid something. Something more bike-shaped than this: :joy:


Nah, you’re just making the most complex lug I’ve ever seen. Now put it in a cargo bike somehow.


I picked up one these after using a bench grinder for a couple years and my arc is now a stable cone of beauty. Wish I hadn’t waited so long.