Brazing consumables

Just a topic thread for asking question’s about brazing consumables.

My first question is how long is a 1 Troy ounce coil of 1/16 56% silver. I think I found one answer on google of approx. 1700mm ( or 67 freedom units :laughing:). Just trying to figure out best ie. cheapest supply.


I have just over 3 troy oz of 30% silver - that’s seven 1/16" x 36" rods.

I purchase all my brazing consumables directly from Gasflux, and have found the prices to be very reasonable. They’re behind (linked on the homepage of their new website), which stocks most of the common alloys and fluxes, and are generally great people to deal with. Not sure if they ship internationally, though.

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We have a Gasflux distro here in Australia but they have been problematic in the past with some pretty poor service. Trying not to use them. I also have the Harris distro just down the road but they are expensive and seem to huff when ever I order only a handful of sticks. Having said that the 56% that Harris makes is a beautiful product and the best I’ve used.

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Bummer about the Australian Gasflux distro, can definitely see how it would be harder to get ahold of materials down there. I don’t know if the AWS alloy codes are used much internationally, but if you try searching for BAg-7 (56%) you may be able to turn up more suppliers. Codes and other info for the various silver alloys from the Harris catalog:


There are a couple different places to get it but not always stocked. You have to order well in advance. If you go into a welding supply place and explain what you are doing they just look at you funny and ask why aren’t you just TIG welding it.


I tend to use Gasflux for anything bronze rod or fluxes. And I use Harris fluxes and coils for anything silver-related that I do. Silver has gotten so expensive that I started venturing away from my local gas suppliers and looking online. I needed a coil of 56% Harris silver on late Friday afternoon, and a local plumbing store in my area gave me a good deal. I’m not sure how it is in Australia, but maybe the plumbing or HVAC suppliers are worth looking into. They often carry, or can order, the same type of equipment and materials that we sometimes use at prices competitive with the welding suppliers.


I’ve managed to find a welding shop that works with the Harris distributor so I can pick up directly from the Harris wharehouse. I am trying to move away from the silver for the frames construction and only use it for small braze ons. So damned expensive as you pointed out.