Brooks B17 Dims

Hey Folks,

Has anyone modeled a B-17 in BikeCAD? I’d love for someone to share.

Me too!

+1, maybe we can all petition Brent to make it happen?!

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I saw a forum post / question on the bikecad site asking if anyone had the dimensions. No answers :frowning:

Yep. I saw that thread. . Figured I’d ask here hoping that someone might have one on hand.

I have a customer’s on hand but it’s well used. Does that count?

If you have Fusion you could try importing an image and use some feature of the saddle to calibrate the canvas. You won’t get perfect dimensions but it will probably be good enough to get the look right in BikeCAD.

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Here are some quick measurements from a used B17 I have:

L = 280
R = 55
P2 = 175
Q = 50
Angle = 5º


Thanks so much! Super helpful

Thanks! I tried measuring mine out but found it hard to get correct, especially the rail placements.

I think I found a model on the Bikecad archive where someone had modelled it and saved the saddle as a template from the model.

Would upload the file but I can’t upload .bcad files to the forum. @Daniel_Y can you help? :slight_smile:

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Thanks to all those who have posted various specs and diagrams. I used that data to do up the model below:
If you’re okay with this approximation, you can find this saddle in the model at:


Thanks Brent @BikeCAD !

Done! I added .bcad to the allowed extensions. Thanks for letting me know!

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Thanks everyone this is super duper rad!

I’m not familiar with BikeCAD but wanted to mention that this model looks like the saddle is farther back relative to the seatpost clamp than may be possible in reality.

I believe those have a pretty short area for clamping that’s pretty far back on the saddle.

If someone’s riding a B17 and needs lots of setback this is an important detail that might necessitate a slacker seat angle.

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Thanks for the feedback. I setup my model with a very long rail length to match what appeared to be a very long straight section of rail in the photo. However, it is possible that although the rail appears straight in the side view, the rail may actually bend inward in a way that could be seen when looking at the saddle from below. Fortunately, the saddle can be slid fore and aft as described at: The designer may need to tweak this to position the clamp where it needs to be in real life.


The saddle fore and aft is an awesome feature!