The website is still available, but there is nothing but a phone number listed. No product of ANY kind.
I reached out to GasGlux. Info below.
I’d guess if enough folks ask, they’ll put 38% on
If you want 38% it’s already on the menu at Prince & Izant.
Forgive my ignorance, but is 38% equivalent to Fillet Pro? If so, would Cycle Design flux work well with it? I still have quite a lot of the flux.
Don’t know much about Fillet Pro, but this thread led me to have a closer look at this topic. It is very disappointing. Many manufacturers do more marketing than information. This information is often incomplete when it comes to standards or temperatures. Much worse, however, is that completely different temperature ranges are specified by different manufacturers for identical compositions. (Thanks for translating, AI!)
For example: Gasflux 38 shall work at 721–843 °C, Meta-Braze 138 at 650–720 °C, both are Ag38Cu22Zn17Sn2, both are called ISO Ag138 and AWS BAg-34.