Hi all,
I’m getting an all-round/rando whatever frame for an unsual position: Big and long head + neck, longer torso, shorter leg with an even shorter femur compare to tibia. I would like your advices on Geo and (a bit) Tubings please!
1. Geo: My biggest concern is Front Rear Weight Distribution
JAN 29 UPDATE:** Now I seat further back. Red line is MyVeloFit’s estimated center of mass but I think this is not right, i feel like my COM is much more in line with the BB is not front of it
Current Front / Rear ratio is 562/430 which is ~ 1.3. It will only decrease as I may want to seat more upright or at least rearward, and I’m not sure a 435CS is enough for 650x43 + fender. To compensate I seat a bit back which is a more natural position for me I feel like as well, 73STA
My general need is a bike that rides comfortably but still lively, quite upright.
2kg saddle bag and 5kg front load (for ease of use since I dont want too much rear weight or having to deal with a second rack). Since it’s primarily front load, I’m aiming for 50 trail (hope it’s not “no man’s land”), achieved by 71.5 HTA and 60 rake for now. (I want the front wheel further out)
New geo 72.7STA is an experiment, it will be 72.5 or 73 actually
Resulting trail is 50, so semi-low because I’m a bit scared to fully commit to low trail for now.
2. Tubings:
TT: 455 long (maybe I will increase for more butts): 25.4OD 8-5-8 with 90mm toal butts left…
DT: 555 long, 28.6OD 8-5-8 with with 155 butts left, should I have the downtube shifter boss on the thick butt?
ST: 28.6 with a 1.0 or 1.2 bulge probably doesnt matter, should I have the FD clamp on the thick butts?
SS: I can get away with 14mm thick but I guess 16mm cant make for a noticeably less compliant ride
CS: just have to zig zag around the rings and fender a bit, hope the bends wont be. too sudden
That’s it, and though difficult I would want in the middle where I can easily adjust it to be more upright or more agressive just based on moving stems, bars and saddles. As well as, changing postures throughout the ride. Look to achieve that in my second fit session (plan for now is more upright and seat back further).
Look forwards to your insights, thanks all!