Forum Updates and News


Thanks for discovering this forum! We are currently under development. Target Launch January 2023. Feel free to post, poke around, or lurk!
We created this forum so that people can connect, work together to solve problems, share ideas, and develop a stronger framebuilding community. But most importantly, this forum exists to have fun.


  • Inclusive: This forum is for every framebuilder. All people are welcome.
  • Use it or lose it!: If you love the idea of this forum, support us by using it!
  • Civilized discourse only: one warning > timeout > ban
  • August 2023 Deadline: if we cannot reach critical mass for a community, we will retire this project

Why another forum?

  • Other forums are either dead, dying, or too exclusive
  • Social media (IG, FB, Reddit) does not encourage conversation
  • Social media is not searchable, meaning that everyone’s work evaporates after 24hrs
  • This forum is built in Discourse, the most modern forum platform