FreeFlow Motor bracket in and system in BikeCAD

Morning all,

Many of you have been asking where to find the Ebike motor bracket and system we make and its location on BikeCAD.

Please follow this process to get to it:

How to get to the Motor bracket in Bike CAD.

  1. Go to this link:

The click on this “Quick start” button on the top right.

Then hit green button middle of the screen “Launch BikeCAD”

*Wait for the page to load

Now on the second row of icons click the 17 icons along that is the drive train image. This opens a sub box.

In this box and rod of icons select the fifth one along.

Check the ‘Include” box

From the drop-down menu select the “FreeFlow” motor.

You can now chage the orientation of the motor bracket in the box marked “A”

Please do reach out to me if you have any further questions.

