Full Suspension Framebuilders

Hi guys,
I’m looking for a framebuilder that can build a full-suspension enduro bike, preferably at a fair price and also in the US, so I don’t have to pay extra for international shipping. This is probably a bit of a taboo ask for a framebuilding forum, but I just wanted to find a backup plan - it seems increasingly likely that I won’t be able to build my full-sus on my own for the foreseeable future.


It’s a fair question to ask, and a safe place to do so. All sorts of collaborations are welcome on this forum. It wasn’t till @Neuhaus_Metalworks built me a bike that I learned how to build bikes.

Also, you can be a designer, engineer, fabricator, or all three. Just because you don’t have the tools, space, or physical ability to build a bike does not mean you can’t be a “framebuilder”.


Thanks, Daniel - I appreciate the encouragement!

Right now, I’m only aware of one option for custom full-sus builders who build 4-bar designs: Devlin Custom Cycles, which is in Australia. I know more builders who do single-pivots, like Waltworks, Project12, BTR, etc. I think REEB might do custom one-offs, but I’m not sure. With the volume they’re doing now, I’d kinda doubt it, but I’ll send them an email and find out.

I’m keeping my options open right now, so please let me know if you have any suggestions!

I think the hard part will be the linkages. Not many frame builders have the ability to machine the rockers and swing arm pivots. Each link is probably a $200-300 part to get CNC’ed.

Other full suspension builders:

Those are all good inspirations to reverse engineer their designs.


One off sets of rockers here in Australia are about Aus$800-1200 depnding on complexity and number of work holding jigs. About Aus$500 each if I order 20 of them.


Define fair price :wink: I have been selling my fullies for way too little money so far, and even then people tend to think 3000,- for a custom frame is too much, while it should probably more like 4000,- One of the reasons I am thinking of going the small batch way like Reeb is doing.
Other builders of fullies:
Daam built (Canadian)
Madnes bicycles (French)
Ferrum (Not custom, but made in the USA, so maybe they can)


Check out Marino https://www.marinobike.com/ as well, they do single pivot and are in Peru but the price is unbeatable. I’ve seen a few here in the states and heard good reviews.

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Sorry, it’s time for me to bail on the forum.

You could probably talk Nico from Egerie into making you one.

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OP wants 4 bar though, that fellow is doing single pivots.


He might do it if the OP provided a link like you mentioned and a linkage file. I know him and think he might accept. He’s in France so that rules him out anyways.