Hello folks what are you using for ground clamps?? I have the burly brass clamp that came with my primeweld 325 and it seems a bit heavy and awkward.
with the amps we are using I don’t need such a burly set up… any mods or recommendations out there??
a nice bolt on one. maybe I should bolt on to bb when I am doing jig out welding??
I use one of these guys if I’m clamping to the frame. But normally I just ground to my welding table and my fixture. I wired a permanent ground lead from my welder to my table and the BB post on my frame fixture which has been great for having one less thing to think about/trip over.
I’ve never considered changing my welding clamp. I have something similar to Eva’s.
I have considered adding a copper flat-braid sleeve to my Park stand clamps though. My thought is that I’d be able to ground the stand and not fight the cable when I move things around.
Something like this (below) could easily be formed to the jaws and screwed to the backside of the clamp. Seems like a far better idea than my 1st go round where I just welded with my feet in a kiddie pool.
I use this little guy: McMaster-Carr based on input from an old Tom Lipton post: "Nothing Too Strong Ever Broke": Precision Welding Ground Clamps
I soldered the other side of the wire to a brass plate that I hold in the big ground clamp that came with the welder.
For most bike tubing, you’ll need access to an edge, as it only opens 3/4in.