Incepi IS brake tab fixture instruction sheet?

Hey there,

Does anyone have the instruction sheet for the @incepi IS fixture? I lost mine and need to double check which position is for the fork.

Plz help :pray:


Not sure it will be any help but here is mine, with both location. I’m giving it away to a friend but I’m not sure if there was any instructions with it and if it needs spacer depending on the location.
Maybe @incepi can give us more details.


Thanks. I’ve got the holes part figured out but need the spacing off of the dropouts confirmed. My fixture is a newer version that bolts on so I need the new measurements. I’m hopeful Eric can get back to me about this pretty soon.

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I can provide the correct instructions and diagrams to whoever is using the fixture. Spacers for the fork and frame offsets are also needed. I can provide those.

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Thanks ,I’d love the spacing locations for the ISO fixture pictured above. I will make spacer of m’y on accordingly

This will give you the info you need to machine your own spacer…

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I should have know better😅 thanks mate!

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Haha. I find I learn more if I can figure it out for myself. I seem to remember more that way anyway. lol

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