Is this a crack? should i worry?

Hi guys! first timer in here, sry for my english it’sot my first language

Could you help identify this “cracks” in my chromoly Reynolds tubes bike. I removed some paint to see it more clearly. If this is a serious crack, could it be repaired? Is it worth it? i think it was made with brazing
I have more photos but i cant post them, forum doesn’t let me

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Can’t really tell from the pictures except that it’s a tig welded frame.
To see if it’s a crack in the metal or not you would have to remove the paint down to bare metal and take a look. From the pictures it’s not easy to see.


I agree with Matt, It is hard to see. If I were you, I just sand it down to the bare metal to get a better look.

  • If it’s broken, by sanding it down, you will know for sure
  • If you are to repair it, you would need to sand it down anyways
  • If it’s not broken, I wouldn’t ride it without knowing for sure its not a crack

Let us know how it goes!


I dunno, looking at the second picture it looks cracked to me. Right under the headset at the toe of the weld.