ITBOX ARC200D Welding Machine 2 in 1...Worth Buying?

Hello Folks, As the title say I want to buy this Itbox welding machine.
Since I am hobby welder, Wont spent too much money and just found this machine on Aliexpress : Doest it worth buying? Thanks!

If you want to learn 3D printing you don’t go out and buy the Play-Doh Spaghetti Maker.

When you take classes at the race track they don’t put you in a Yugo.

Treat yo self bruh! You don’t have to drop 2k-10k on a welder. But you should spend a few hundred.

Said differently: What you save by buying an uber-cheap welder you will spend in messed up materials, time and annoyance. Especially when you’re first figuring things out.


Yeah no, that won’t work, you are lucky if the stick part of it works at half those amperage values. But let’s say that it works, let’s play this game, you are missing everything to Tig and you will need to buy something and then adapt it to whatever weird connector it uses, you will end up dropping $250 on a basic tig between the torch and various adapters and still have a crappy machine that simply doesn’t do what you expect it to do, just a semi-decent gas regulator will cost you that money.

If you are looking for a cheap cheap welder, the bare minimum I would look at is something from YesWelder or PrimeWeld or HF, don’t look for multiprocess machines, just a basic Tig machine, 140A, 110/120V.
If you find anything used even better and you may be able to have a better machine but there is nothing worse then starting to learn to tig and having the machine sabotaging you every step of the way.

After a quick search:
$230 but missing a pedal and a tank regulator, you can live without a pedal as it seems that torch has a switch on it but you will eventually want it and they can be pricey, a regulator will set you back at least a $50 and you will need it from day-1
Note that there are discounts code for this machine on YT - google it.

All included and ready to go

There is stuff for less than that on Amazon but again you need to keep into consideration that they may not come with any accessories and buy them separatedly is expensive and the specs may be simply wrong.
If you are in the US I had great luck going into stores, I have a few AirGas near me and one of them was getting rid of a bunch of Tig stuff at 80-90% discount just because they couldn’t sell it for years and wanted the space back.

I paid $1500 for my multiprocess a few years back and it doesn’t have any tig pulsing abilities.
Next year I may very well get a cheap tig machine like the YesWelder just to have the pulsing feature as retrofitting mine is more expensive than that.


I’m in UK so don’t know your local market, but…
Buy a secondhand known brand that the seller proves is working. Buy a hf start machine, ideally with pre/post gas controls at the minimum, you don’t need pulse to learn, a pedal is nice to have but not a deal breaker


Thanks folks for advice!