Long Shen Closing?

I saw itmentioned on the Framebuilder’s Google Group that Long Shen is closing.


Are there other foundries who can take over, or should I start hording fork crowns and lugs???

-Jim G


hi Jim,
Yes it’s true, Long Shen will close.
I looked into it and I will have access to their casting designs into the future, but the order minimums will most likely be pretty high.
I will be getting in a few styles, but it would be a slow build, due to the “investment” (casting joke there).
~Carl, metal-guru.com


I saw that as well and am disappointed. Do yo think there is a chance that Allotec would take those over?

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I was not told who from my supplier, just “another” casting house was taking possession of the tooling and that I would have access to the original catalog parts.

Some other info I had found out is , that Long Shen was owned by a older man who was ready to retire, and because Long Shen did military work , it was to hard to sell the company or could not be sold beacuse of that. So all molds/tooling were given back to the customers who bought them for their products , They will have to find a new casting house and catalog mold/tooling were purchased by another company who will move production to their facility , but there for sure could be some down time for that.


I’ve had all of my tools (34 different parts) transported to another foundry several hours away. I’ll let you all know when the casting resumes. In the meantime, my inventories were in good shape so I had no worries. On the other hand, for those who depend upon stock designs that LS sold from their catalog pages, it may be a trying time going forward.