Longer IS headtubes

Question for @BikeFabSupply:

We are looking for IS headtubes for gravel bikes. The two 170mm headtubes are sold out:

We are also hoping to get 180,190, and 200mm headtubes to complete the road size range.

Is there enough demand for road-sized IS headtubes to restock the 170mms? Are there 170mm+ headtubes avalaible?


Yes I will be restocking the IS42/52 20R and 200R tapered head tubes in 170mm , I do have stock of the R20 taper in 180mm and 200mm here at BFS , just had not made it to the webstore , so I can get you sorted if you guys need them

I am working on a restock of all my tapered head tubes in both styles and will be adding the 180mm and 200mm length for the R200 style as well and this restock



That’s great news! Thanks!

Just to clarify, there is no 190mm option? I think the jump from 180mm to 200mm is fine, the question is more out of curiosity.


I have never had a request for a 190 , not that I cannot get it , just from most of my request a 180 to a 200 was what most asked for , sam for in my 50/48 head tubes as well.


Looks like Tange is starting to make these in the lengths you’re after

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