Making indexing dummy axle

Hi there,
Probably you guys are more skilled machinists than I am. I need some advice: I’d like to machine an indexing dummy axle for my jig. The thing is: I don’t have a lathe and but only a vertical mill with a vice and a rotary table. Is it possible at all? I can machine the correct length and the thin part of the axle simply by putting the round bar in tool holder:

The problem is with the indexing part. I can machine one end by putting it vertically in the rotary table or 4chuck holder, but cant figure out how to position the other end so they are indexed properly (to make both sides match perfectly).

Any ideas?

(I know, the easiest and probably cheapest way would be to order one from Paragon, but I’m in Europe and this changes it a bit: taxes, duties and delivery time…)

I’m not much of a machinist either, the first thing that came to mind was to machine a flat along the whole length of it so that you had a surface to reference when you go to flip it, depending on the design this could always be machined off the diameter after the ends are machined for mating with the dropouts.

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I would look into getting a 5c collet block for machining the indexed ends.

For the main turning make your center section first, then you’ll have a reference for the length of the larger section on each side.

Thanks, I dont know why this obvious solution did not come to my mind…

@Neuhaus_Metalworks: I did not know such thing existed, now just need to figure out this things name in my language to search for it :slight_smile:


ooo, 5c collet block looks useful