Manything mounts on fork blades

I’m designing a fork for a friend – it’ll be made with traditional curved/raked fork blades. My friend wants manything mounts on the fork – is this possible with a curved blade? Has anyone solved this already?

-Jim G

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2 bolts and a wolftotoh B-rad?


I’ve build a couple of traditional styled forks with 3x cage mounts. I guess it depends how low you want the cage to be. If you can live with having it a bit higher up the fork blades it’s definitely doable.

Here’s a poor image showing the most recent fork

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That’s pretty similar to what I’m thinking of. Does the manything cage – when mounted that high – conflict with the cantilever brake at all?

-Jim G

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Honestly haven’t thought about that :sweat_smile:

I can measure the distance from the boss to the inside of the canti brake on this setup if you want?

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This might be a dumb idea but if you want to get the mounts lower and onto the curve could you play around with moving the mounts away fom the fork centreline? Maybe even using with a mix of hourglass mounts and regular mounts. I’ve sketched one possible such location on the fork @starfishbicycles shared (beautiful work btw). That would lower things considerably and I don’t think it would look to out of place either

Also below are some links to a trailer made by Frances Cycles. You can see the mounts being moved off centre to get them in alignment. Kinda fun in a way!

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Yep I was thinking along those lines, but because this is a low trail fork the lower mounts would need to be pretty far off the fork blade on a tab or post or something.

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Ahh true. Yeah that makes it hard for sure. Great looking fork though!

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