My First Fillet Braze

You are definitely on the right track, Jim. You’re being analytical in your self assessment and are asking the right questions about materials and techniques. You will learn so much from the steel and bronze with practice, just watching how they play together and react to various inputs. It’s a bit of a dance. I can’t speak to propane specifics, as I’ve only brazed with acetylene, but one thing is universal: good practice is how you learn.


Thanks! I do feel like I’m making progress. I cut apart my last practice joint, and while there was more brass internally, it wasn’t complete all around. I don’t think I’m getting the base metal hot enough…I’ve got to overcome that fear, plus develop better heat control.

Last night I rewatched one of Paul Brodie’s videos, in which he makes brass “icicles” and that gave me some good insight. Most of the time when I watch videos of him brazing, it looks like he’s just melting the brass directly on top of the steel – which I know is wrong, you’re supposed to add the brass onto hot steel. In the icicles video he slows things down and discusses each step, and I now realize that he is heating the base metal and only then adding brass to it – he’s just doing Step 1 really fast so it’s hard to discern.

I’m going to try the icicles exercise next.

-Jim G


Love the updates. I don’t know anything about brazing, so I am learning vicariously through this thread! I really appreciate it.