I am going to build a frame for it, so technically it still falls under the umbrella of “custom frame building” and I’m pretty sure, if it’s not specifically outlawed in the rules, it’s legal.
Anyhoo…I’m gonna build the world’s only z06 Corvette suspended, Honda K24 powered model A, probably. I’ve built a million things for other people and never really had a chance to invest in my ideas, so I’m really gonna swing for the fences on this one.
I think at least one of you liked my bike building YouTube, if that’s you, this should feel kinda familiar. I’d love it if you’d check it out, it’s gonna be insane.
Don’t know a lot about car stuff but think that picture looks cool? Check it out anyway, i’m learning a whole host of new stuff on this one too.
Obviously, if this is too far out of what we’re trying to do here, feel free to take it down. However, that new park bike will be built on that channel. Just saying…
I’ve probably built 10 or so frame off, complete builds. Probably half of those I was the only pair of hands that touched the thing. This is gonne be simple. Not easy, I did not say easy, but it’s gonna be simple. Its’s going to be an incredible project, come watch. Join us.
I’m with you, secretly harboring a meyer manx buggy with a k series drivetrain in the back without any vw beam nonsense up front. You’ve seen ancilotti bikes right?
Oh, that sounds fun. I really want a little Japanese pickup with that setup in the bed
And, yes I have. I’ve had that comparison made before and I don’t hate it. The suspension on this new one is basically the same thing that’s been on every frame I’ve made, I just keep dropping it lower. It’s low enough now that I lose the idler, and the multiple piece seat tube. should have less pedal bob and, the real important one, less anti rise. The brake jack on the other park bike is awful.
15 years dirving a VW Caddy here. You’re at a good starting point on the frame. Try to get the lev curve in a straight line from 3.0/ 2.8 to 2.2 ish. Playing around in linkage is free eh? Moving the main pivot fwd can help with anti rise. The main rocker could be a bit more compact too. Get your cad on and leverage osh cut or similar for lazer cut pieces to build the bb/pivot area.
Nope! My first one was that progressive, in a nice straight line like that and it sucked. Way too soft off the top with no mid stroke support. I like things in the low to mid teens with a nice ramp up at the end, it’s not a ground hugging race bike and I find this leverage ratio way more fun to ride. The anti rise is perfect and the rocker needs to be that size to get the leverage ratio/travel/clearance I want, it’s actually smaller than the one on the other park bike and stuff just needs to be a size sometimes. That there is the extent of my cad and I make all that shit by hand because I’m a ham fisted knuckle dragger. I’ve also made this one 457 times in linkage and that’s about as good as I’m gonna get it.
My son and I are ‘resurrecting’ my 71 F-250. We’re looking at a Gozilla motor but that will require significant frame, brakes, trans, rear end and suspension work. I don’t have time/space to do the work myself so, it’s likely going to a shop to be done. Please post pics here as you progress! Very cool project!
Those are cool, I heard the other day that some of the amazon delivery vans have those in 'em. Crazy. I’ll post a few but I don’t want to clutter up our nice bike forum with my silly car stuff any more than I already have. I’ll be filming every agonozing minute, so please follow the youtubes.
Basically, weight. I’m not trying to make some world beating, click bait, 1000hp, whatever. I want something that will rock and roll in the twisties and just be fun to drive. This k motor will rev to 7800rpm in stock form, has variable cam profiles on the intake and exhaust cams (ivtech), it’s got 30* of variable cam timing on the fly, forged crank, stud girdle, crank and rods balanced as an assembly, there are guys making over 1000 crank hp on these dumb things with a stock head, crank and block. It weighs under 300 lbs. So, if I can make 500hp from it (pretty easy with a single turbo) and keep the weight of the car down around 22-2300lbs, power to weight wise, it’s like a 730hp z06. BUT! Since it’s really light and doesn’t make a huge ammount of torque way down low, it should be pretty easy on parts. All the steering, exhaust and all the other packaging gets so much easier with the 4.
But really, everybody has an ls and I wanted to do something a little different. Plus, it irritates corvette guys and model a guys equally and I’m all about that.
Love to see it, definitely will follow along with your progress. Had built a locost “Vodou” mx5 chassis some years ago. Ultimately found building a car from scratch was a significantly more costly activity than I was willing to participate in. The locost USA forum and build logs are a great place for all DIY car related inspiration and resources, check them out if you haven’t already!
This is really cool. Cars are my first love and I still dream of being able to do a build one day but time and space and money have ultimately led me to building bikes haha. I fully support irritating as many car enthusiast communities as possible. Nothing sacred in cars. Have fun!
That’s very cool! I hear ya about that costly thing, it’s not an easy thing to do. I might have painted myself into a bit of a corner, considering I don’t have the funding to finish the project at the moment but I guess we’ll see how it shakes out.
Dude, same. I actually swore them off (cars) after I closed my shop, said I’d never build another one. In the back of my head there was always the catch “unless it’s a 30 or 31 Model A coupe” becuase I figured I’d never find one I could afford. Bikes do that same thing for me, scratching that fabrication itch on a much more reasonable level, time and money wise. However, I wouldn’t feel anywhere near as confident tackling this project if I hadn’t spent the last couple years notching tubes, learning to tig weld and learning about suspension stuff. I didn’t plan to do this, I wasn’t even looking when I stumbled on this car but the silly thing was 2 miles from my house and too nice to turn down. I’m gonna cross my fingers and hope I can make something happen.