IMO, we don’t use that style of dropout because they only look good on mountain bikes with very shallow SS angles (<40deg). All our MTB’s come with bottles > taller ST > larger SS-CS angles.
Rewind to the original premise of the UDH - Standard or Scam? thread, from all the designs I have done, I was unable to find a mass-producible solution for UDH and metal bikes . Each design has a pretty big compromise:
- ugly
- heel clearance
- large
- asymetric
- hard to build around
- heavy
- expensive
Maybe it’s so hard to design a good solution because there is no solution
The hooded plate is the only design that I would feel comfortable putting on our bikes. To be clear, this is all my opinion based on the style of MTB’s we build.
Again, not sure I would use this style. I would have to see what technical advantages the new derailleurs bring to justify the hit to aesthetics. But I would add other benefits to the CNC version:
- documentation
- reliable supply