Riding Reports!

Not a singular ride, but I’ve been really enjoying going around in circles with friends at the Allegheny Cycling Association’s Tuesday night crit series! I’m having fun being a cat 5 queen for the time being.

Of course now I want a silly tukt aero bike to have maximum fun riding in circles.


Got out on the Mrazek trail (bend, or) on friday. Fun time of year, ride to the snow hike a bit and return next week to see how much further one can get. I think this was around 3700’


First time riding out East on mtb trails. We went to the kingdom trail system, rode East Haven and victory mountain. Good times, great weather, lots of leaves.

Also my first time on a plastic full squish bike, I rented a transition spur. Really interesting riding bars with very little sweep, most noticeable when standing and pedaling. My hands were definitely in front of the steering axis, reminded me of riding a road bike.

I was not a fan of the handling, sluggish and unresponsive, especially while climbing out of the saddle. It would be great to be able to try the bike set up the same, but with bars that have more sweep placing the hands closer to, or behind the steering axis.


I had a fun trip out to Tahoe this month. I decided to lug my Sony A7C and a big 70-180mm lens to practice photography as well. I hadn’t been seriously mountain biking for a while, it was great to get into some real mountain.


It is not over yet! Quick ride after a day sitting at a meeting.


Our team rider testing a prototype…


Just recently came back from a trip to Queenstown, did a couple of days at skyline and a day of pedaling with my wife and a friend. Totalled about 10,000m of descending, no crashes luckily. Casualties were 1 broken spoke and torn rim tape resulting in a flat front tyre, 3 pins missing from my pedals after rock strikes, 1 bent derailleur and hanger and 2 sets of brake pads (Queenstown is steep!) no frame failures so things went pretty well really!

I might upload some POV later but I’m not terribly extreme compared to the internet/senders so it looks pretty chill comparatively. Felt extreme to me of course!


I dont think that I have seen a build log about the white bike?


Its number 8, i’m backlogged on build reports hahaha. I will get there eventually. Strictly speaking its not finished because I still need to paint it but was waiting til after the Queenstown trip since packing a bike into a box isn’t kind to shiny paint jobs




Quick lap through the local trails today


Second race of the year and I snagged 2nd place in the SuperMasters 50+ at our local Superflow Series. That is Enduro format with multiple runs allowed up to 5 to see a fast time. Fresh suspension on the Jester proved to be a panacea to the lack of grip I’d been struggling with. Now even the worn rear tire was hooking up nicely.


Congrats on the podium!! Great photos too🤘


More good riding conditions in New England


Lets goooooo!!!


Some cool stuff on an after work ride. Spring always helps to motivate.
Richmond has a long industrial history, and parts of it are still here to snoop around. The photos are from Pt Molate north to Pt San Pablo along the shores of San Francisco bay.

Front entrance to the powerhouse at Winehaven, once the largest winery in California. The Standard Oil Refinery is on the other side of the hill; there was a pipeline straight to the boilers. Notice the color change in bricks above the door. Richmond was home to many brickyards, these were probably made within a mile or two of here.

A peak in the powerhouse.

Buildings at Winehaven. Prohibition shut it down, it was derelict until WWII. The Navy took it over as a fueling facility because of deep water and the refinery nearby.

Housing for Navy personnel. A shame that they’re not in use, but there’s probably lead paint and asbestos. The Navy always used the best materials.

This area used to have a rail connection, but that’s over. Troop ships disembarked from a pier at Pt. Molate, troop trains pulled up almost to the pier.

USMC crane used to build the Pt San Pablo Harbor.

The beach at Pt San Pablo Harbor. Around the corner to the right was the last commercial whaling facility in the United States. Whale oil was sent to the refinery to be blended with mineral oils. General Motors included whale oil in their automatic transmission fluid until the 70s. Whale meat was canned and sold as cat food.