Salt Lake City area head tube reamer

Looking to borrow or rent a head tube reamer in the Salt Lake City UT USA area. EC 44 size. Also willing to pay someone to do it if the price is less than a reamer :). Thanks!

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You might try calling Two Hoosiers up in Ogden (I think).

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have you tried reaching out to Salt Air cycles? Matt is a frame builder so he might have that reamer.

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I did, reached out to him but hadn’t heard anything for a few days but he actually responded this morning so I will do that. Thank you!

Matt has a pretty healthy relationship with the real world and the digital world. He might not respond the quickest, but he is a solid dude.


He was very nice and let me have some of his scrap to practice welding on a while back. He’s really great, I just am too impatient for my own good to build my new frame haha

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