Scam bot, how does this work?

Just noticed this:

Any Idea how this scamming scheme might work? What happens after you send an email to the adress?


I’d guess there’s a person at that address who will try and scam you into paying for a farr cs fixture, or maybe an anvil bbg!:joy: They sure do cast a very wide net!

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thanks for the call out. I suspended that account. What a weird world we live in… They target other forums:


This just happened again with the same/similar user account


Thanks, good ol’ Teddy, back at it again…

I tried changing up some of the trust levels to prevent this, but the scam is so stupid its hard to programmatically detect haha.

Ill look more into it…

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Update: I added a filter that flags and requires approval for messages with email addresses. This should stop this sort of scam.