Sourcing Pinion gearbox etc

I’m in the planning stages of my second build and like the idea of a Pinion gearbox but availability seems to be an issue. I do see them listed in a few places but they’re big money. Based on the little bit of research I did it look like I would be getting close to $3K just for the gearbox, sprockets, crankarms etc from the places I could find them. The Priority 600X is $3500 for a complete Pinion bike with a suspension fork, so there must be a way to get them cheaper. Any hope for a hobby builder? At $3k it’s not really an option, curious what others have found.

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It looks like you’re in the US, right? I’d recommend reaching out to VPL who is the distributor for Pinion. If you have insurance/tax docs/etc, they should be able to set you up with an OEM account.


Not sure if they can sell outside New Zealand but Zerode is our local distributor and its a lot less than 3500usd

@liberationfab has the right contact.

I would reach out to them, even if they are a hobby builder. Their team is amazing and fully supports the Framebuilder mission.

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Thanks for the info folks, I’ll have to reach out and compare with other options as well. I love the idea of the gearbox/belt drive and not having to deal with a chain but the upfront cost is still a tough pill at the moment.

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you could also try that BikeMan website. they are in the US and have fair prices.

Hi…not sure whether you’ve already sourced a gearbox, but I’ve used a lot. Most helpful and reasonably priced.

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