SRAM Transmission step cad model

Has anyone come across a t-type derailleur model or drawn one that you are willing to share? Looking for step or fusion format - thanks!

OK OK - so who has interest in the potential existence of a .STP model of the transmission derailleur model for frame design?

Pretty sure SRAM can supply models if you have an OEM log in. That’s the first hurdle. Otherwise someones going to have to sit down with a pair of calipers and make shapes.

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I can confirm this.
I have current models of all Eagle Transmission derailleurs via the OEM channel. My hands are unfortunately tied though as I’m not allowed to share anything.
An NDA was signed to get access to that stuff.


We have an OEM acct with SRAM-
did you need to sign an additional NDA for cad files, or just the typical one for OEM sales?


Im unsure as I have yet to convince them Im worthy of an OEM account. Lol

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I can’t remember. It was a few years ago I signed it to get access to SRAM Connect.
Not sure if they have different tiers of access.