I need a few inches of scrap I can use for a stem clamp. Looks like 1.25x.065 is the closest ID for 1 1/8 steerer
Where are you located?
online metals and aircraft spruce are good sources for 4130 including short lengths. I think I’d use .058.
Have a search around for some old school 1-1/4" steerers. I keep small offcuts and scrap ones of these for occasional bar clamp and collar duties.
0.058" wall, so nicely 1-1/8" internal.
All the best,
Dan Chambers
I use .065 and ream to the exact size. .058 can warp and that can cause the clamp to close up more than I liked. I can send you some if you DM me and venmo me a few bucks for shipping. How long do you want them?