Tariffs and our Industry.. shit

So as a Canadian and small frame builder also Bike shop Employee, Things are looking kind of shitty and expensive!!

Ordering bikes from USA Manufactures or USA bike importers prices might go up. Or For frame build getting raw material / tools from the USA looks not so great maybe…

With Tariffs getting put on sports equipment does that mean bikes?? Can we all agree this is clean transportation not a sport??

I am not super savvy on this subject but I am kind of worried…
what does every one think.


I would imagine in Canada you should have a updated, published list of tariffs based on the commodity codes applied to framebuilding equipment. This won’t be a single code on all bike related goods but will be a lot of different codes. The duties will be different depending on raw materials used, finished state of the goods and intended use. For bicycle related goods there are lots of different tariffs depending on if it’s a full assembled bike, frame only, parts etc.

Finding the commodity codes isn’t always straightforward, in the UK we have a couple of pretty good tools and I’m sure you’ll have something similar in Canada.

From memory I think Paragon are pretty good at putting commodity codes on their commercial invoices so perhaps @Coco_PMW could chime in with a couple of examples of the codes they apply?

Having said all that, I think now that the Great Orange Buffoon is back, things are going to get more expensive as countries start the tit-for-tat tariff wars.

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I’ve never experienced tariffs on raw materials and I’m both a career framebuilder and a cast parts and tubing designer/supplier to others internationally and here in the states.

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Harmonized Tariff Schedule or HTS defines different product groups and how/how much tarrifs are applied. If you are exporting or importing products, you should already know which codes your products fall under. If not, this is a good place to start:


Typically, raw materials and parts are subject smaller tariffs than finished goods. This is why many larger brands import frames and components for final assembly in the market they will be distributed in, it is a legal whay to circumvent tariffs.

The big brands have entire teams including lawyers that specifically handle tariffs and logistics. Another reason that tariffs hit the small brands harder.

My suggestion if you are running a company is to familiarize yourself with the HTS codes your goods fall under and be certain that they are properly labeled when shipping. IE: dont ship a frame to the US and label it as a complete bicycle as this will usually have larger tariffs.

Of course all of this information is from the last time our govt attempted to rip itself apart and things are moving fast. Bottom line, pay attention to HTS codes and the take the time to understand it before importing/exporting to avoid surprises.

Good luck everyone!

For Canadians, here’s the current list of items included under the 25% tariffs. I just scrolled through and while tools/hand tools etc are vaguely on there, there is currently no mention of steel/raw metals/bicycle products. It could change but looks ok for now.



Looking over the current list a few things that are noteworthy:

-About a dozen codes for rubber tires so I assume bike tires will fall under that

  • there is a “motorcycles” section that vaguely lists “cycles fitted with auxiliary motor” so that might hit e-bikes.

  • there is a small section on precious metals but it reads mostly as raw and jewelry-oriented, although depending on the wording could maybe affect silver based filler. Esp. gasflux as MUSA.


Our harmonize code for everything is 8714.91.9000 because there’s not “bicycle building components” so we categorize it all as “other”

Sometimes I use this Canadian calculator when asked by a Canadian customer for an estimate

Any order valued over $2500, I attach a CUSMA/USUMA or whatever form was valid as of last week.

I really feel bad that getting our parts to you is going to be very expensive. This trade war doesn’t help anyone at all.


thanks for all your input everyone!!