Hi everybody,
I am looking for a recommendation for a TIG torch. My “affordable” TIG welder came with a clunky and unpleasant torch. Working with it is actually difficult specially for small tubes. Therefore and I am looking for something more suitable for framebuidling and available in Europe
the owner of Weldtec actually developed this torch with bicycle builders in mind and those who weld thin small diameter tubing. Its very light , large soft rubber grip handle , good for holding in those tricky areas , it has modular head so it can be interchanged for different angels if desired. Super flex hose as well. Its the torch I use and our customers who have purchased it really like it.
Likely you will not find it in Europe , maybe there is a vendor in Germany ? But BFS does ship international and have great shipping rates to most countries .
I have one of those Weldtec torches and it’s great. I like it a little bit better than my CK.
Whatever you end up buying I suggest a size 9
Or 20 ( one is air cooled the other is water cooled) and highly recommend paying more
For super flexible hoses.
Thanks for the recommandation @BikeFabSupply I have normally sent you a quote request by email. Do you know if those are compatible with most of tig welder? (I am using a rebrand chinese made dc welder)
not sure I saw an email for quote so please send again if needed or any questions with regards to your machine setup. andrew@bikefabsupply.com
As far as connection to your machine. I do not know what machine you have , but this torch is going to bolt up to the Dinse connector as normal , not directly into the machine. Its gas thru torch , so connection at the machine will depend on the type of Dinse connector whether gas thru or gas with pig tail. Most machines will use a Dinse 30-50 and have a 5/8 right hand thread that the Stubby torch bolts to. You should be able to remove the current bulky torch from your Dinse connector and bolt this torch up to it.