Hello all, I don’t really have any bike knowledge outside of the mountain bike realm but I have built all the mountain bikes I want and now need to find a way to justify another build. I am toying with the idea of a utility bike (I don’t even know if that’s a real category) which would have commuter-based geometry built around an IGH like a shimano Alfine. My main question is what kind of dropouts are best to build with for an IGH? I assume PMW sliders of some sort but that’s a blind assumption. Thanks!
These could be a low-cost option. I have a pair I’ve reserved for a similar build. Downside is that I don’t see them in the most recent BikeCAD build. Easy to work around though.
These look useful. For IGH, wouldn’t it be nice to have adjusting screws to help get the axle and wheel nice and centred?
I think I’ve probably set up a thousand bikes with internal hubs (I worked for a brand that specced them). None of those drop outs had adjusting screws. Set-up was fast and easy.
I guess I could see a reason for them if you were trying to use Alfine for offroad stuff, had to swap wheels a lot or flatted a decent amount. But usually, it’s set and forget.
I’ll also add that you can use internal hubs on vertical dropouts if you spec a chain tensioner. I’ve set up a few bikes that way and there have been no issues (apart from visual).