I think this is all possible to do with the free version. But I feel like the amount of friction for a garage builder would be too much…
At best, I am a mediocre software engineer, but I think I can hack a basic tube notcher program in python in a week. I will give it a shot when I have some time.
Mark, Sorry to be thick over here - not tryna be - but how does this script thing on Metal Geek run / get an output? I can input values… then what?! LOL
Use it on a PC or laptop, not on a phone. Input the dimensions of the tubing and the angle, and it outputs a PDF of the paper template, print that out at 100% and cut it out and tape it around the tube. Here’s an example: tube-notcher-file tapered head tube.pdf (65.6 KB)
Well, that is interesting. I last used it a month ago in February and it worked fine, tried it just now and, yes, the “calculate” button seems to have vaporized. Hmmm.
Hey, ya, Andrew from BFS sent me the link to that one. It is a bit complicated but it seems to get close. The printouts are really hard to make paper template from tho IMO. I am trying it today…
I think my lesson here is I just need a mill and a miter daddy!
Sometimes, I use the sheet metal feature in SolidEdge to create a paper template. It is not hard to do. I guess solidworks and fusion360 can do the same.
Alright, the quickest thing I was able to do is to duplicate dogfeatherdesign.com and I am now able to run it from disk without issues (took some time to remove all the waybackmachine artifacts).
I am thinking of two solutions to deliver it:
Upload the zip and everyone can download it and use it locally
Upload it to github and have an URL to access it
My main issue with #2 is that this is not my code, not sure how the owner of the original website would feel about me posting his work without his permission. Thoughts?