WTB: "Vintage" Stem

Steerer: Threadless 1.125"
Clamp Diameter: 25.4mm or 26mm
Length 90 - 100mm

Preferred models:

  1. Cinelli Altar (I seem to remember seeing a 1.125" available but all I can find these days is 1")
  2. 3TTT Mutant
  3. Cinelli Groove
  4. Cinelli Sesamo
  5. Deda Sonic

I have a 3T Forgie, but it is 110mm - maybe too long?

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Hey Rob,

Thanks so much. Looks like I might have a line on Mutant. If that doesn’t work out I’ll hit you up.
It’s funny how a lot of this stuff has become “vintage” or has some sort of mystique. When they were just “parts” when I was a shop rat.

How are you doing? It’s rad to hear your voice on Geek Warning!

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Yes, it is about time for me to do another clear out of my boxes of old parts - see what has now matured into having value!
Keeping well thanks, glad you enjoyed the podcast :-