First build - floating along in the deep end

Yeah, just knowing what I know about carbon fiber construction, it seems weird to me to put a round tube in a square space considering what the carbon fibers will be doing. As well as seat post clamp availability. I just didn’t want to give unsolicited feedback.

Yeah rather funky but I’ll roll with it, Planning to make my own clamp

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Todays work


Clamp like this, just square


Liking the full-scale 3D printed mock-up, great way to check how it all goes together. Plus the colourway looks epic!

I hope the final paint looks just like the mockup!

Very cool!
Are you going to make molds out of the 3d printed parts?

Sanding sanding sanding… Raaawwwwhidddeeee


Neat aye, really nice for chucking the shock and fork in

Will be raw finish, however if I do paint it I promise you it’ll be the same colours

Yep, gf split moulds… For the front tri at least

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Awesome. I love the ‘organic’ shape. I’m assuming this is just a scale model for prototyping but depending on how heavy you are I bet you could slowly roll around the parking lot on it :joy:. Just don’t make any sudden movements or exceed a walking pace. (of course I’m joking… but you probably could…)

That looks like an amazing shop space!

If it lasts the demoulding and I don’t hang it on a wall, I’ll do some hucks to flat on grass and see what happens…

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Thank my uni dept… This is pretty shabby compare to the engineering workshops, I’ll break in for some photos sometime.

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Bog sand bog sand


New colour scheme


600 grit sanding, I’m bored of sanding so it’s time to do something funner

An accidental lahar reference… Sorry my camera is poo