Shameless plug time. I finally finished writing my book about welding 4130 tubing!
I’ve published it on KDP (amazon) and it’s live now. A good while back I made a post on here titled TIG Welding Bicycle Frames for Dummies, and @Modulus-Dave gave me the idea to self-publish a book about welding. (and helped tremendously with the process).
The scope of the book creeped quite a bit while I was writing it, while originally going to be only about thin-wall tubing for bicycles I ended up going for motorsports & experimental aircraft as well, because those are essentially the same thing as far as welding is concerned.
It’s not a one-size-fits-all beginners guide, I really focused on a lot of the technical aspects and differences of welding 4130 compared to mild steel (where everyone starts welding in trade schools and such). So if you’re just getting started tig welding there’s definitely better resources out there to begin with.
I figured I’d go ahead and post it here, since I’ve talked about it a few times in the process of writing it. If I’m honest with the community, there’s not necessarily any new information that you couldn’t find on this forum or elsewhere. Although I will say some of the conclusions I came to while researching could be considered ‘hot takes’ in the online welding hive mind. I definitely learned a whole bunch, and even changed my own stance a few times after learning more. But if you want to support me and this idea of writing welding books, I’d appreciate it if you grabbed a copy.
Here’s a link to it on Amazon US :
But it also should be easily searchable by the title if you’re not in the US : Tig Welding 4130 Tubing For Motorsports, Bicycles & Aircraft
Now for future plans, I’ve been debating making an electronic version available, possibly even selling outside of amazon, that way It can be much cheaper. I’m still investigating the logistics of that.
Future me edit: It’s available on my website for download:
Also, I’ve already started outlining a book for Titanium. That will be fun. I’ve also got a few ideas for other welding books, but they wouldn’t necessarily be relevant for the bicycle framebuilding community.