Metal 3D Printing and Framebuilding

That seems a bit low. I would check the exported scaling of that part. I would expect it to cost ~$40-50.

There is also the heat treat and shipping that adds to the cost.

Thanks all. I just logged back in with the intention of ordering a few just to see and after uploading the exact same step file, the price has jumped up to $32 which seems a bit more sensible. I’m not sure what the difference was, it all looks the same to me but I may have missed something or done something silly. The calculated weight is the same and the material/finishing is the same but hey-ho it is what it is. $32 is still way lower than I expected so I’m keen to see if I can work this into my process.


Thanks for the insight and advice, Sean!

Good call on the galleries - I created internal holes on my parts to allow for backpurging; it seems like a secondary benefit is allowing the excess powder to empty out of the internal cavities.

I did request “stone tumbling” (screenshot attached) but suspect In3Dtec used magnetic polishing instead. Here’s the response I got from their customer support:

Thanks for reaching out and let us know the issue.
We were concerned that ceramic and stone debris might get lodged inside the pipe, making it difficult to remove. To address this, we used a cardboard box as a temporary barrier during the grinding process.
However, before the shipping, our grinding team accidentally forgot to remove it.
I have already spoken with our team to ensure this oversight doesn’t happen again. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. Your understanding means a lot to us.

Not sure how common this issue is across other customer parts/geometries, and if any process changes were implemented. I don’t think I’ll request any post-processing services for future parts aside from sandblast/beadblast.

Interesting. I dont recall seeing those options when ordering before. I will dig deeper next batch.

Sweet that’s also what I’ve been using for the designs of my parts after some research :slight_smile:

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hi John, are you a bot?