@Johnmarmalade Thanks! I saw the photo about your setup, but did not understand it in its entirety until those renders. The interface between the tube mount and the tool post was what I was missing. The renders make 100% sense since the interface does not really be more robust than that when using sensible feeds. Need to build one up, and give it a try.
Thanks @Golem for sharing your setup as well. The use of the drill chuck is a smart move for small tubes!
@Johannes abrasive mitering is great, it is quite fast and precise. I had a similar setup when I began, it is not expensive to make if you are creative. But it makes a lot of metal dust, so having a very good dust collector is a must.
I made a simple but big improvement to my mini lathe miter setup today! I made a machinist jack to put right under the tube holder and was able to get clean cuting with no chatter. No more binding up near the end of the cut.
you could probably also do yourself a favour and swap that wobbly mess of an attachement for an actual hole saw arbor, either one from pargon or, since you have a lathe, make one yourself
Oh man. That lathe is almost 300 lbs. I’d need a really sturdy bench to mount that onto. And as someone who knows hardly anything about machining, I don’t think I’d be able to lift that much weight by myself.
That might be a bit overkill You can easily just make an arbor from 20mm round stock and chuck it up for mitering.
Fabricating a morse taper that is accurate enough to actually grip is not an easy task!
It’s a JD2 The beast miter, the guy that was selling it had a HD customization shop before he retired and had a bunch of tig welding and fabricating tools, I went for this miter but I came back with extra stuff.
Anybody has experience with this one?
It’s definitely a beast, weight is at 48lbs even (21.7kg)
This is exactly how I got started. I thought it worked well. I have one that I would sell if anyone is interested. I am in South central PA for pick up.